Once upon a time...

I've always loved those amazing estates with driving lanes bordered by majestic trees, endless stretches of fields filled with more ancient trees and castle-like houses. Often I found myself imagining what it would be like to live in such a wonderful place. In time however, the dream was forgotten and replaced with other dreams. Dreams like "exploring England, Wales, Scotland", "living in nature with a veggie garden, a fruit orchard and two horses".

Old Lands Dingestow Monmouthshire Wales

Time came when I suddenly found myself having the finances to live abroad for a longer period. Instead of a holiday, I could really live a different life. A new environment, exploring a new world. Would I dare? My search for accommodation soon brought me to "Old Lands"; a beautiful estate in the south-east of Wales. I fell in love right away and decided to take my chances and reach out. The positive response came quickly, surprising me because I hadn't expected it and I was still in the "do I really dare to live abroad - phase", so I felt unsure what to do. Lucky for me, they gave me a lot of time to decide. Time that I used to let all fears and blocks rise to the surface. Blocks that told me to stay in the comfort-zone, to keep living the life I always had, that I should be grateful for what I had and not wish for more, that living an adventurous life was for others but not for me, I had never been a traveler. Fears for the unknown, fears for the future, fears that told me I couldn't do this and that and on and on.

Old Lands Dingestow Monmouthshire Wales

To be able to live a different life, take different actions.
To be able to take different actions, think and feel different.
To be able to think and feel different, be willing to see things in a different perspective.

The fun thing is that thinking, feeling and action are all intertwined. You can change your thinking to a certain level. Then action is needed to open up another layer with thought-patterns that need some adjustments. Our mind-body, emotional body and physical body spiral each other forward. Like a staircase, you can only take one step after another.

Old Lands Dingestow Monmouthshire Wales

The life you live today, is the life you will live tomorrow.
To live a different life tomorrow, you have to be different today.

Okay, enough now: of course I gave a full-hearted Big YES and ended up here on Old Lands in Wales for 3,5 months:

(now be kind and don't ask me why on earth I had to think twice 😉)

Old Lands Dingestow Monmouthshire Wales

Be sure to watch more photos:

Slide 1
At Home in Wales
Slide 2
At home in Wales
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