Celebrating my first week in archery!

Do you know that amazing feeling when you found something that so fits you that it feels like it is part of who you are?

The workshop is inspiring. Going through the woodland from target to target - which are placed in a way to make it look like natural targets, we get to shoot at all different angles, providing us with quite a challenge. A lot of arrows hit. Fun, a couple of hours ago most of us couldn't shoot at all. What we learn is to use our intuition to shoot. Techniques are there only to support the process. Led by focus and intention, you can be sure to make a perfect hit. Okay it takes some practice. And some more practice. And then one day… ;-).

Workshop instinctive archery with The Bow Academy, Noord-Brabant, Nederland

I love it. The process intrigues me. Becoming aware of what is happening in my body, observing my thoughts and intentions and then literally seeing the result of what I'm doing on the inside in where the arrow ends up, amazes me. We get a chance at shooting a grape. My first thought is "I can never hit that". I immediately correct myself "we didn't do the attitude of 'I can't' anymore, remember?" and change the thought in "how fun to give that a try". I nearly hit.

A month later I have my own bow.
"Put an arrow on the bow and pull the string". I pull the string.
"Now close your eyes".
Whát?? My mind wants to start off about all that could go wrong, but I choose to trust instead. I close my eyes.
"Let go". I release … and open my eyes … to find the arrow right in the middle of the target. I'm amazed beyond words, how did that happen? He has just shown me that body attitude and intention matters more than eyesight…

Now I'm all into archery, completely fascinated by it. In the week that follows, I practice daily. With the deep body awareness that I have it's easy to sense what I am doing and soon I can feel where the arrow will end up the moment that I release the string. I also notice that the right side of my body works independent of the left side and that both sides are utterly confused by these new movements. Using the Feldenkrais principles*, I create new connections between both halves and by the end of the week it feels so much more naturel to hold the bow.

I return to All Inn Traditional to shoot 3D targets in their 15 acre forest. As we get to the first target, I wonder how on earth I'm ever going to hit it. A couple of targets later I decide that this is the most fun thing I've ever done. When we finish the first trail I've learned so much that I feel comfortable doing the second trail on my own. And I actually had quite some good shots there!

Instinctive archery at All In Traditional at Schijf, Noord-Brabant, Nederland

Do you feel like this is for you too?

I took a workshop at The Bow Academy
I bought a bow with All-Inn-Traditional, where you can safely go if you're an archery dummy like me. Perry knows his stuff and knows people and he matches you up with a bow that perfectly fits you, without you noticing that he is doing so ;-).