It are the details that count...

I used to miss the mountains, the moors, the rugged cliffs and the woodlands when I am in the Netherlands. Since the Big Decluttering though (here you read all about it) I feel free to go to those mountains, moors and cliffs whenever I want. It's my choice to be in NL now, and that makes all the difference.

Beautiful flowers in the garden macro photography

Years ago, I used to be a photographer. I loved it, had great experiences and learned so much from it. Life changed and for many reasons I decided to quit. For years, I hardly touched my camera, having lost the joy in photography. Until I came to the point that I was about to sell all of my camera gear. Picking up each lens for inspection, checking on my camera ... I suddenly came to realise how much I still loved photography and that it is actually a part of me. A smartphone is great, but there are things only good gear can do...

I didn't sell. Last week I picked up my camera for the first time and experimented with macro photography. A simple start with the flowers in my garden and I loved it. I found joy in taking pictures once more... a joy that I love to share with you through the galleries below:

Flowery images:

Flowers 1
Flowers 2
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